Take Action Now: Support Our Campaign to Fix the River Winster

Take Action Now: Support Our Campaign to Finally Fix the River Winster!

I stood at the train derailment site in Grange alongside local stakeholders from the Lynster Farmers’ Group, discussing the urgent steps needed to address safety and infrastructure challenges linked to the River Winster.

While we're grateful that there were no injuries, the derailment incident has emphasised the pressing need for action.

Locals and campaigners had warned of this possibility, and now, unfortunately, it's become a reality.

The Lib Dems knew this would happen and did nothing but hold talk shop after talk shop. It's time to take action and support our campaign to get the licenses to fix the River Winster!

Securing licenses from the Environment Agency to tackle the River Winster issues is our top priority.

Plans are in place, but with engineers discovering a deep void near the derailment site, swift action is crucial to begin the necessary work.

But this fight isn't just about safety and connectivity—it's about protecting livelihoods.

Persistent flooding along Meathop Road, adjacent to the derailment site, has severely impacted the Grange-over-Sands Golf Club and the local community, endangering livelihoods and infrastructure.

I'm fully committed to working with all stakeholders to kickstart this essential work. We need close collaboration between agencies and authorities, including the Environment Agency, DEFRA, the Council, and Network Rail, to implement practical solutions swiftly.

Furthermore, as we discussed regarding the Gilpin Bridge roundabout, enhancing our economic corridor along the A590 is critical. Both of these projects require your support to keep our transport links open and safe.

Do you support our campaign?

A huge thank you to the Lynster Farmers’ Group for their unwavering campaign efforts on this issue.

Together, let's fight for safe and thriving communities!

Fix the River Winster NOW!

  • Current River Winster fixes!
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